Refund Policy

August 28, 2024

Refund & Money-Back Guarantee Policy

Uma offers digital intellectual property that is disclosed upon purchase and generally follows a no-refund policy. However, certain circumstances may warrant a refund, as outlined below.

1. Cancellation

Customers may cancel their subscription at any time but will continue to have access to subscription services until the billing period ends.

2. Money-Back Guarantee

If a customer is dissatisfied with our plans and did not see visible results, they may be eligible for a refund.

2.1. Money-Back Guarantee Procedure

To initiate a full refund request, customers must contact us via email at [email protected] within 11 days following the initial purchase. As part of the refund request, customers must explain their reasons for dissatisfaction and demonstrate adherence to the plan by completing 7 consecutive lessons. Proof of completion should be submitted in the form of screenshots or other acceptable documentation.

Our Customer Service Team will review each request carefully, considering the provided reasons and evidence of plan adherence, within 1-3 business days. If the request is approved, the processing time for the full refund will be between 5-10 business days.

Please note, full refunds are not applicable to recurring payment plans. Additionally, certain plans, such as the 28-day challenge, may be exempt from this policy due to the different nature and structure of the offer.

3. Refund Exclusions

Refunds will not be issued if the customer fails to follow the Money-Back Guarantee procedure, refuses to follow the instructions given by the Customer Service Team, or did not read the Terms and Conditions before purchasing a plan that doesn’t meet their needs. Similarly, refunds will not be given for plans purchased by mistake, based on incorrect assumptions, or if the customer simply changes their mind for non-technical reasons.

If the customer does not meet the Money-Back Guarantee conditions provided above, the subscription fees paid become non-refundable and/or non-exchangeable unless otherwise stated or required by applicable law.

4. EU/UK Residents

For EU/UK residents, the right to withdraw from the agreement for the purchase of digital content without charge and without giving any reason is permitted within fourteen (14) days of concluding the agreement. However, this right does not apply if the agreement’s performance has begun with the customer’s express prior consent and acknowledgment. Customers consent to the immediate performance of the agreement and acknowledge that they will lose the right of withdrawal from the agreement once the servers validate the purchase, and the applicable purchase is successfully delivered. Therefore, refunds will not be provided unless there is a fault with the digital content.

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